
Rotaie verdi in Milan

The feasibility study of the Rotaie Verdi (Green Rails) project has been presented at the Urban Center in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, Milan. A possible hypothesis of development of the neglected railways around the city of Milan has been reached through in-the-field surveys conducted by researchers and biologists. The idea is to exploit the neglected railways to create an ecological corridor along the tracks, assuming that part of the areas will be used to create a natural oasis characterized by 'wild nature', which will complement and interact with the areas destined to tradional parks.

rotaie verdi

The project has been implemented thanks to the support of Fondazione Cariplo and was developed by WWF Italy in partnership with Milan Municipality, Eliante and RFI (the body in charge of managing the Italian railways). The recovery of railways in close and direct connection with the enhancement of urban green spaces has already proven to be a winning strategy: for instance, just think of the Promenade Plantée of Paris and the High Line in New York.